News 13501239552 India Iressa Is Iressa good at treating cancer?
release date:2016-08-15 Views:3 Back to list
Iressa treatment can save or prolong the patient's life. Compared with the current chest light, the effectiveness of low dose is only improved. This new recommendation is highly targeted, and it is important to fully understand its details when interpreting it, rather than simply seeing it as an early cancer screening method. However, efforts to get smokers to quit smoking are more effective than lung cancer screening in reducing lung cancer mortality. After quitting smoking, the possibility of contracting lung cancer will be reduced to the level of non-smokers, and quitting smoking will also reduce the harm of second-hand smoke. Only Smoking control can truly control lung cancer mortality. India's Iressa is a fundamental solution, while screening is only a temporary solution. Therefore, this kind of annual screening is only recommended for people who smoke heavily for a long time, because they are more likely to develop lung cancer, and the dangers caused by smoking are far greater than the dangers caused by the radiation received during screening. The main basis for this recommendation is the National Lung Screening Trial that began in 2016. This large randomized trial used chest light as a control. Nearly 10,000 people die from lung cancer every year in the United States, accounting for the top number of cancer deaths. Among these deaths, smoking is the cause. It is an independent organization composed of experts that makes recommendations based on the existing clinical preventive medicine data of Iressa in India and provides consultation and advice to the US Department of Health and Social Welfare. Like other early tumor diagnosis technologies, low-dose lung cancer screening also suffers from overdiagnosis. Some tumors detected by this technology do not need to be treated at all. These tumors are only discovered due to the scale of new technologies and new methods. Clinically, it may not be considered a tumor at all. This screening technology, like other technologies, has its technical limitations. Although the detection rate is better than breast cancer screening, due to the use of low doses, positive results exceeding 1/2 must be further diagnosed. , including chest X-ray, biopsy or surgery, and further diagnosis only finds true positives, and a very small number of patients die because of further diagnosis. The result is that for every life saved, a technician dies because of further diagnosis. of Americans currently smoke or have ever smoked, and the current proportion of the population smokes. India's Iressa technology only screens for lung cancer, and incidentally detects a few cardiovascular problems. Smokers do not mainly die from lung cancer. The number of smokers who die from heart disease is higher than the number of smokers who die from lung cancer. Therefore, according to the results, although low-dose lung cancer screening can reduce lung cancer mortality, it only reduces the total mortality rate. In other words, most smokers who do not die from lung cancer due to early diagnosis will die from other causes. complication. While promoting low-dose lung cancer screening, publicity and education must also keep up. The cost of this screening technology in the United States is about US$1. Since it involves tens of millions of smokers, this new recommendation is a severe test for American medical institutions. Whether it can be promoted in China must be considered. The affordability of medical facilities. In terms of overall effectiveness, reducing the smoking rate of the population is still the most effective way. For non-smokers, who account for the majority of lung cancer, annual low-dose screening does not provide much benefit and may actually cause harm. For Americans, the average amount of radioactive radiation received from nature each year is 0.5%, and a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day will absorb more per year. This is one of the reasons why smokers have a high risk of cancer. This is suitable for people who have smoked for a long time and are addicted to cigarettes. Clinical trial results show that this kind of screening does not lead to a decrease in smoking rates. In fact, many smokers will have an illusion of security and will not quit smoking. It is estimated that annual low-dose screening of high-risk groups could save 10,000 lives per year. At present, medicine is still unable to determine which tumors should be treated by Indian Iressa and which should not be treated. From this perspective, only quitting smoking can truly extend life. Both light and water are radioactive. Excessive exposure to radiation can induce tumors. The technology used for screening is low-radioactive, but it will also slightly increase the risk of tumors. For this type of examination, this risk must be combined with the gains obtained. To compare the benefits, the benefits must be greater than the harms before they can be promoted. They should be made aware that this early diagnosis method cannot reduce the risk of lung cancer due to smoking. It can only provide early diagnosis and early treatment to a small number of people, but it does not help the majority of people. If they want to prevent lung cancer, You must quit smoking immediately. A year later, the company changed its view. Based on the results of clinical trials from 2004 to 2015, it was determined that low-dose screening can reduce deaths from lung cancer and other causes. Because the number of lung cancer caused by smoking is very large, which is equivalent to one life in the United States and more than 10,000 in China, it is worthy of recommendation. The radioactive radiation of a chest X-ray is equivalent to the amount of natural radiation in the sky. The possibility of causing cancer is negligible. However, the radioactive radiation of a chest Because, the amount of natural radiation equivalent to one month has a very low possibility of causing cancer. If it is used on the bodies of smokers who smoke for a long time, compared with the radiation they inhale, it can be ignored. This kind of screening can only reduce lung cancer mortality by the end of the year, which means that lung cancer patients either cannot be diagnosed early, or early diagnosis cannot prolong life. The last recommendation was in 2008, and it was believed that the existing data were insufficient to make recommendations for low-dose lung cancer screening. With the continuous application of new technologies, the problem of over-diagnosis is becoming more and more serious. Over-diagnosis will lead to over-treatment of Iressa in India, which will not only waste a lot of medical resources, but also seriously affect the quality of life of patients, and even cause patients to die. . |